Sensory Rating Cards

Our team created the concept of Sensory Rating Cards – a one page synopsis rating 6 areas of sensory impact by a team of neurodivergent individuals, (Autistic, SPD, Hyperacoustic).

Our Event and Venue Sensory Rating Cards were created in 2017, and utilize a Sensory Team to go through an experience to rate the sensory impact via each sensory modality. Our measures include both subjective experience and objective measurement of decibles, frequency and luminance.  We’ve rated everything from theme park rides, resort activities, immersive art exhibits to tourist attractions.

This allows individuals with sensory processing difficulties to know what to expect in regard to sensory impact for each environment they may want to explore, and allows them to prepare themselves, bring along sensory tools, and make choices about which environments to experience and which ones to avoid.

A sensory Rating Card for the video Game Guardians of the Galaxy

Our co-Founder Izzi Ferdico created the concept of Video Game Sensory Rating Cards. Knowing what to expect for each game allows neurodiverse gamers avoid sensory impacts that may cause difficulty for them, such as strobing, jump scares, conflicting acoustics, or frustrating game experiences.

Izzi leads a small team of neurodiverse gamers to create Sensory Rating cards across such platforms such as Xbox, PC, Nintendo Switch and Oculus.
Check out the Video Game Sensory Rating Cards here!